Correctional Facility

Community Care Rx understands that the offender population is comprised of residents with special health care needs that require individualized treatment care plans to be developed by the respective medical and mental health vendors. Further, each vendor providing clinical staff requires the provision of case management services to ensure continuity of care and positive outcomes.
Community Care Rx will provide valuable consultative services with these populations, which will add to the quality of care provided and facilitate the achievement of positive outcomes. Our clinical pharmacists are well versed with the special health care needs of the offender population. Through the provision of pharmacoeconomic evaluations, treatment recommendations, chart reviews, patient education, proactive collaborative consultation, and the analysis of prescribing trends the Community Care Rx clinical team will prove a valuable resource to the multidisciplinary healthcare team.

Discharge Planning
Adequate medical discharge planning is incredibly important prior to the release. Arguably it is in the public interest to pave the road enabling access to medication and health care services because these services prevent the expensive relapse of communicable disease, chronic disease and mental illness. Community Care Rx works with your correctional facility to plan and provide medication to the offender prior to their release and continue to provide medication as they reintegrate into the public.
Our Correctional Pharmacy Service Program Includes:
- √ Multi-State Licensed Pharmacy
- √ FDA Repackager and FDA Licensed Drug Wholesaler
- √ Quality Assurance
- √ Pharmacy & Therapeutics Meetings
- √ Clinical Pharmacy Team
- √ Quality Assurance Audits
- √ Blister Cards and Automated Tablet Packaging Options
- √ State-Of-The-Art Barcode Technology
- √ Stock Medications
- √ Next Day Delivery
- √ 24/7/365 Consultation
- √ Provision of Local Back-Up Pharmacy
- √ Computerized Physician Order Entry System (CPOE)
- √ Online Database Management
- √ Monthly MARs
- √ Specialized Reporting
- √ Correctional Health Security Needs
- √ HIV Pharmaceutical Care Pharmacist
- √ Geriatric Consultant Pharmacist
- √ Regulatory Specialist
- √ Proactive Medication Opportunity Buys
- √ Excellent Customer Service
- √ Total In-House Pharmacy Management Services
- √ Medical/Surgical Supplies
More Information
Offenders in a Diagnostic or Therapeutic “Pipeline"
Community Care Rx understands that there are some “high acuity” patients that are receiving critical treatment based upon their healthcare needs. Our clinical team will provide chart reviews, provider consultation and treatment recommendations. Some of these patients require specialty drugs or IV therapy. Operationally, once approved through the proper nonformulary procedure, we are equipped to provide these drugs without delay. Additionally, Community Care Rx will ensure that your Medical Director is apprised of the medication costs associated with the provision of treatment.
Elderly/Geriatric Offenders
A current trend in corrections nationwide is the increasing number of offenders who are elderly. There are specific healthcare issues (e.g. exacerbations of chronic conditions, dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc) associated with this population that must receive special consideration. We are experts in providing geriatric pharmacy services to the aging population, as we have pharmacists that have provided direct oversight for skilled nursing homes, assisted living facilities and group homes for developmentally disabled adults for over 25 years.
Chronically Ill Offenders
One of the cornerstones of effective healthcare services is to identify those patients with chronic conditions and to implement an effective treatment plan. The next step is to ensure continuity of care – this is one of the challenges in corrections. First and foremost, Community Care Rx will ensure continuity of care by making sure the medications are dispensed accurately and delivered in a timely manner. Additionally, Community Care Rx will provide consultation regarding the latest prescribing trends and treatment guidelines, efficacy, pharmacoeconomics, new medications, those about to go generic and special considerations for corrections, etc. Community Care Rx is leading the way by introducing this model to Corrections, as it is becoming quite prevalent in the community.
HIV/Aids Screening, Testing & Treatment
Community Care Rx has many years of experience with the management of HIV+/AIDS and will dispense authorized (antiretroviral) medication orders. Our clinical expertise will ensure that the providers are informed of the latest clinical findings, that the patients are receiving quality treatment and that these services are provided in the most cost effective manner for you and the citizens of your State. Through effective disease state management there are improved outcomes at reduced costs.
Suicide Prevention
Community Care Rx will follow your suicide prevention procedures for all health care staff as applicable to our services and employees assigned to your agreement. Also, Community Care Rx will work cooperatively with the successful mental health vendor to ensure that all of our required employees are provided suicide prevention training.
Special Needs Populations
Community Care Rx will support you and our co-vendors in the treatment of special needs populations. Our clinical team will be available for consultation regarding these cases. In the past the Community Care Rx clinical pharmacist has served on special task forces that have addressed self- injurious behavior and co-occurring diseases.
Disabled Offenders
Community Care Rx will support the and the respective healthcare vendors to ensure the special needs of the disabled offender are satisfied.
Mentally Ill Offenders
The mentally ill offender provides the healthcare teams and correctional staff with a myriad of challenges; some health related and some safety related. Community Care Rx understands the heightened importance of medication compliance and continuity of care. You should rest assured that Community Care Rx will get the medication dispensed accurately and delivered in a timely manner. We will dramatically decrease the time it takes for a patient specific medication to be available onsite from the time the order is transmitted to the pharmacy vendor. We understand the importance of our responsibility in this area. With Community Care Rx, you will never have to face patient decompensation because a medication was not delivered in a timely manner. Further, Community Care Rx has worked with many mental health vendors to provide an additional level of support to make certain that a patient’s order does not expire inadvertently.
Emergency Services
Community Care Rx will work with you to make certain that NCCHC Standards and your policy assuring adequate response to medical emergencies are satisfied. All Community Care Rx employees who are assigned to correctional facilities to include the Clinical Pharmacy Director, the pharmacy technicians and all medication couriers will maintain active “Healthcare Provider Basic Life Skills” certification to include CPR and AED.